`Eid Prayer or Salat-ul-Istisqa' coming on a Friday


Q 1: Does offering `Eid Prayer or Salat-ul-Istisqa' (Prayer for rain) on Friday (Part No. 8; Page No. 331) replace the Friday Khutbah (sermon) and the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer?

A: The obligation of offering the Jumu`ah Prayer is not removed by offering Salat-ul-Istisqa', and we do not know of any scholar who has said that. If the day of `Eid falls on a Friday, the obligation to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer is removed from anyone who offers `Eid Prayer, except the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer). The Imam must go to the Masjid (mosque) and offer the Jumu`ah Prayer with anyone who comes to it. Anyone who offers `Eid Prayer and does not go to the Jumu`ah Prayer should offer the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer after its time has become due; although offering the Jumu`ah Prayer with the people is better.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Fundamentals of the call made by the messengers